Instagram makeup do's and don'ts

søndag, mars 20, 2016

Lately this whole "instagram makeup" thing has become so ridiculous, and almost scary. 
Its not a good look, period. Its way too much and everyone ends up looking nothing like themselves and like a walking contour stick. Spoons, knives, tape, all of it has nothing at all to do with makeup artistry, and hopefully will die out soon.

That normal people see it and want to try it, I can understand. It looks great in pictures, and they make it look so easy. But that makeup artists or people claiming to be muas use it, is not ok. Im not going to go all into what i think about it from the mua perspective. But I made a video that I hope will make someone, or even just one person, rethink what they are doing to their face. 

Erle Nathalia xxx
(Disclaimer: Im not trying to offend anyone, its all just for fun.)

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